The short version of the daily Internet

The short version of the daily Internet
Welcome, and spread the word! The Lavender Placenta is a blog bringing daily minutiae of the Internet to your doorstep, with intent on giving attention to that which deserves it. But it doesn't end there - this blog puts emphasis on user-submitted content, so that we all share together!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Soup I Made Yesterday

Something tells me, a lot of the cooking-related posts are just going to be me describing a handful of ingredients that I found in my fridge and making something delicious. More or less, this is soup you must try if you find yourself in my ingredient situation:

  • One package of beef-flavored No-Name Brand noodles
  • Turkey
  • Carrots
  • Celery
  • Onions
  • 500 mL of water (at first)

Boil the water, then put the noodles in. Add 100 mL more of water if you feel you don't have enough. After 3 minutes, throw all your ingredients in and mix it up a bunch for about another 2-3 minutes. Throw in some salt and pepper, and any spices for your own touch of flair.

Let it cool, and then BAM! All those extra vegetables hanging around your house are suddenly (and deliciously) in your stomach.

It's a pretty simple soup. But hey -- I'm a pretty simple guy ;)

The Big L.P.

PS: I know this is a blog about the daily internet, but I cannot resist adding something that I created as a manner of contribution. Like -- c'mon, this soup is absolutely stellar!


  1. Heh, noodles came out of nowhere there.
    but sounds yummy

  2. mmmmm i love all veggies, especially in soups

  3. wow, i tried it out! tastes just great, thanks! :D

  4. interesting. too bad I can't cook real food for shit!

  5. Dude I'm so hungry now, sounds great sir!

  6. Sounds good sounds good, might actually try this in the afternoon tomorrow. Don't have the concentration for that in the morning :P Usually I just grab a sammwich on the go :D

  7. Is it okay if I replace turkey with chicken?

  8. That sounds soooo tasty, will have to try it some time!!

  9. i actually just bought a box of noodles [: hooray for poor college kids!!

  10. Haha, this is awesome. Gonna do this if I run low on current foods.

  11. Sounds good, I'll have to try it sometime.

  12. this made me hungry, and i have no noodles. dangit.

  13. i wish i could cook :(

  14. sounds delicious, I want to try it out

  15. your making this high ass get the munchies thanks very much

  16. Soup sounds really good right now :3

  17. very nice sounding soup, making me hungry :)

  18. That sounds really good! Especially on a night like this! Brr...

  19. great post, thank you for sharing

  20. Sounds delicious and simple to make, nice recipe =]
