The short version of the daily Internet

The short version of the daily Internet
Welcome, and spread the word! The Lavender Placenta is a blog bringing daily minutiae of the Internet to your doorstep, with intent on giving attention to that which deserves it. But it doesn't end there - this blog puts emphasis on user-submitted content, so that we all share together!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Get Your Teamwork On

Our Swedish compadres have designed a free online test to depict whether or not you are capable of joining their armed forces. It's cool, and a neat little test!


  1. Absolutely not capable. :|

    ((return the love/clicks/comments<3))

  2. wow I really enjoyed this - got above average on my first go, it gets crazy hard after a few minutes lol

  3. i'll have to come back to this. definitely awesome

  4. I bookmarked that link to check out later... thanks

  5. i'll check it thanks

  6. it took me so long to get above average, we always had one looser who idled...

  7. Yeah, as much as this claims to be a team game, it isn't really unless you find yourself a group of friends to play with. All that happens is that everyone loses if one person screws up. While it sure is a way to represent teamwork, there is no way for the others to compensate for the less performing teammate, which would be a better representation, I think.
