The short version of the daily Internet

The short version of the daily Internet
Welcome, and spread the word! The Lavender Placenta is a blog bringing daily minutiae of the Internet to your doorstep, with intent on giving attention to that which deserves it. But it doesn't end there - this blog puts emphasis on user-submitted content, so that we all share together!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Interactive Humor

This is quite unlike anything I've seen on the internet before. I've had loads of fun typing in "eats a bear", "befriends a bear", "cleans a bear", "feeds a bear", etc. Interactive entertainment! Quite a fine piece indeed.


  1. hahaha amazing and funny, i'm glad there are people doing this kind of innovative things n__n

  2. this is alot of fun, didn't think they'd have anything for 'fucks' lol

  3. As hard as I try I can't find a way to use this to bring the asians to their knees. It's cool anyway, though.

  4. Haha try to enter "girl" in the field

  5. i remember playing with this a month or so ago. Pretty amazing how many permutations there is

  6. haha awesome, supporting you super hard bro. followed too, check out my blogs when you get the chance :)

  7. Haha. That's amazing. So well made.
